Dažďová kanalizácia

Daždová kanalizácia 3

Požiarny vodovod Hydrant

Požiarny vodovod

Vsakovacie boxy

Modernisation of the maintenance base of DPB, a.s., Krasňany depot

Engineering networks

SO 37-01 Area sewage sewerage – roofs, sewers
SO-37-02 On-site sewage sewerage system
SO 37-06 Relocation of on-site sewerage
SO 37-06.1 Relocation of the campus sewerage system-additional replacement of the sewerage system under the bypass track
SO 37-03 Campus water supply
SO 37-03.1 Campus water supply, Supplement No.1.Modification of the existing campus water supply
SO 37-04.1 Fire water supply system
SO 37-04.2 Fire water supply – fire water pumping station
SO 37-05 Relocation of the premises water supply system


Place of realization: Bratislava, Rača, Krasňany
Start of implementation: 11 2023
End of implementation: 05 2024
Type of construction: engineering, water management and pipeline construction
Contractor: DUHA, a.s, Pribinova 4195/ 25, 811 09 Bratislava
Client: Uranpres, s.r.o., Čapajevova 29, 080 01 Prešov
Main Customer: Strabag – pozemné staviteľstvo, s.r.o., Mlynské Nivy 61/A, 820 05 Bratislava
Investor DPB, a.s., Olejkárska 1, 814 52 Bratislava
Ing. Slavomír Kristan, Ing. Zalmai Masodi


The subject of the construction solution is the modernization of the existing Krasňany depot. The modernisation of the maintenance base will increase the reliability and attractiveness of the vehicle fleet of the Bratislava Transport Company.
DÚHA has also implemented new underground utilities – rainwater collection boxes, storm and sewage drains, relocation of water mains, implementation of a new fire and premises water supply system. As part of the construction and reconstruction of the buildings of DPB, a.s. – Vozovňa Krasňany, new external sewerage systems are built, which will drain rainwater from the roofs and areas of the construction objects. Rainwater is discharged to the seepage facilities and will be concentrated with gradual dispersion into the underground layers.
At present, individual sewage systems are built in the premises of DPB,a.s., through which rainwater from the roofs of buildings and paved areas, as well as sewage from sanitary facilities of individual buildings, are diverted. .
A new fire water pipeline with a dimension of DN150 made of plastic pipes has been built for the firefighting of the buildings on the premises of DPB, a.s., which is routed around all existing buildings. Installation of a pumping station with a backup diesel generator. The premises water supply system, which will supply cold water for drinking and hygiene needs of employees and the construction of a new drinking water supply system in DN50 for refilling the fire tank in case of malfunction of the existing water source technology – well. Relocation of the original premises water mains.